måndag 31 augusti 2009

Otippade krämpor

Nog är man medveten om att bygga hus gör ont. Men en del saker är lite otippade:
  • Skavsår på knäna
  • Blåsor på tummen (från skruvdragare)
  • Blodvite på axeln
De saker jag hade räknat med och som även kom var:
  • Nedslitna handleder (kan inte vrida min högra hand inte heller lyfta något med den, fast det bryr man sig ju inte om när man jobbar)
  • Blåmärken på bokstavligen hela kroppen
  • En o annan tåskada
Sen har man en fantastisk träningsvärk, konstant. Allt detta till trots, DET ÄR RIKTIGT ROLIGT!

söndag 30 augusti 2009

Floor upstairs and storage room

We have a floor, well at least half a floor. I can't put words to the joy of not having to balance on the beams all the time.
After a little bit of nagging, I got to paint the storage room the way i wanted to. And if you look closely, you can see a little bit of...overspray.

Close up.

onsdag 26 augusti 2009

Painting and cleaning

White walls, now we just have to figure out what color to out put up next. And what wallpapers.

We had to empty out a storage room we've had for about 3 years. So we cleaned out the storage room we have here...

torsdag 13 augusti 2009

Spackling paste

We've come sort of a long way since I last wrote. However, now that we are back at work (half time back at work) things won't move as fast. But we must thank Mattias family for all the help, dad Stefan, mom Barbro, uncle Lasse and aunt Gunnel.

Bathroom, only one layer of wall...

Storage room (förråd). The red buckets in the ceiling is where the spotlights will go.
Spackling paste coming up...
Bedroom, with the second layer wall and first layer spackling paste. If we're lucky, we can start painting this next week.