måndag 25 maj 2009

We love Niklas

This is about what happened before we went to Stockholm.

Not so far away lived an angel, Niklas, we all loved Niklas. And he had a bright green stallion, that was a powerful creature. But on our land it met a worthy component, Mr rock. However with a little help from friends and a hero like pine-tree, they conquered the enemy. 

söndag 24 maj 2009

Old town and vegetarian dinner

Old town and old friends, very good combination. However, even though we are tourists, we do not care much for tourists which made the trip to old town into a fight against crowded streets more than a nice stroll. But then, along came Anna and Lea and made the world a much better place! After this ordeal, we headed to a vegetarian restaurant with a gorgeous view over slussen and gröna lund. And thank you Lotta for taking us there!!

Sara has entertained us a lot these days and I hope, that despite our northern origin, that she might have found that we aren't too much of ignorant farmers as some might think. 

Love you all

lördag 23 maj 2009

Small pool and tapas

Yesterday we walked around a rainy Söder. It was nice, however it was hard to find somewhere to sit and enjoy Söder. After a cold walk, a couple of fika breaks we came back to the hotel and decided to try out the "pool". It was about 9 square meters big and freezing. But the evening turned out really nice with tapas and drinks. 

fredag 22 maj 2009

Fantastic evening

To get to and from the hotel, we have to take the lowest tube...
Wine and...
a nice view including a lovely Shakespeare play with fine actors. Right now, life is good!

torsdag 21 maj 2009

Weekend off

So we skipped town and went on a weekend trip to Stockholm and GOD I love this town. We been strolling all day, or what was left of the day after a sleep in and long breakfast. Now we're getting ready to go to the theatre (Dramaten) and watch a Shakespeare play, the merry wives of Windsor (muntra fruarna från Windsor). 

söndag 17 maj 2009

Size really doesn't matter...

This little thing called "Skoppy" owned by the "Ditch Witch" company will dig and prepare for the foundation to our extension...And size does not matter. At least not in this case.
This is what will be the foundation, this and some concrete of course.

Mattias is measuring how deep we have to dig. Turns out, it isn't more than 20 centimeters. 

onsdag 13 maj 2009

Armeringsjärn och Änglar och Demoner

Tonight we were spontaneous and went to the cinema. We saw Angels and Demons. The film is okay, watchable, but it did awake my secret love for the city of Rome, which I have yet to see. But a fascinating fact I learnt was that the cinema here in Umeå are FINALLY going to show operas from La Scala! Thank you for at last extending this service to us poor northerners.  

Now see, the next part, about the construction site that our yard more and more looks like, I'm not even going to try to do in English...it is the technical terms that I am just learning in Swedish.

Idag när vi kommer hem i min nya bil (mer om den när jag har bild) så ligger förutom massorna av frigolit och kantelement nu även armeringsjärn på backen. Den vilda jakten på en grävare fortgår dock. Mer om den hoppas jag också kommer snart....

tisdag 12 maj 2009

Small road, big truck....

The back porch, used to be a lot longer, but see, here is where the extension is supposed to be, and if you look further down, you'll understand why it had to go.

The electric company has been here and drawn lines where the electricity enters the house...nice looking ain't it??

Deliveries has begun.... While in Bullmark (50 km) away from where we live, Mattias phone rings, a driver is asking where to drop off the stuff for the foundation...ehm... Turns out, of course after I've phoned Kjell-Åke (my moms fellow) asking him to more or less run to our place to help the guy unload, that the driver had just started and wouldn't show up for another 3 or 4 hours. So above picture is what it looked like when that huge truck (a lot bigger than our house) drove up and started unloading.

lördag 9 maj 2009

More loans and grass paint

This week we called the electric company to come over and paint the lawn so the people making the foundation will know where NOT to dig. And, we went to the bank, we know have a loan for the extension. And of course, the bank made sure that they were taking money out of that account straight away so that the interest would be live and kicking. 

torsdag 7 maj 2009

Bättre bilder

Eftersom bilden jag la upp sist är sisådär bra, så försöker vi med ett par nya...

onsdag 6 maj 2009

And so it begins

Darling readers, (at this point that is only me)

This is the month that all spare time flies out the window. I am hoping that by Christmas, I might move in to my new bedroom. 

Let us just watch this picture above and agree that this will be called "the before picture". Cause next week, we start the biggest test people and relationships can put themselves through, RENOVATION.