fredag 26 juni 2009

This sunny week

This week, summer came to town for REAL. We've been coming home around 5 and 6 pm this week and it has still been hot as .... so work wise, not much has happened. The electric company has been here and they dug up a bit of the cable that I spent all of Sunday putting down (do not like Umeå Energi). Apparently they've (Umeå Energi) got this new fabulous idea, cause they have realized that it is not humane to have us dig up the yard, that the cable doesn't have to be dug down at all! just dig it as far down as we like for our own benefit. Just one question after this moment of enlightenment from their side: HOW THE H**L CAN WE TRUST THEM THIS TIME???

It can't be said enough times, if you have a choice, do never EVER use Umeå Energi!!!!!!!

måndag 22 juni 2009

Half a plastic roof

My brother came around today, and together we put half a plastic roof. And I can tell you that it was a lot more fun than the 6 hours I spent to the electric company's job, digging to put down a cable.

lördag 20 juni 2009

Midsommar in Sweden

That time of the year, Midsummer. Dancing around the midsummer pole
However, not for every one.
After a nice barbeque, and a quick visit amongst some really crazy people. We sat by the ocean and a fire and had hot dogs.

And finally, the midsummer idiots, children, do not try this at home:

torsdag 18 juni 2009


Midsommar närmar sig med stormsteg (imorgon). Men förra helgen så fick vi upp takstolarna. Med MYCKET hjälp från vänner.

Takstolar skedde lördag. Söndagen och de få stunder denna vecka som det inte har SPÖ regnat så har vi fått gräva nya gropar i denna rullstensås. De som kan bör undvika att någonsin lita på någonting Umeå Energi säger, för de bara ljuger! Sen vägrar de att rätta sina misstag utan låter sina, ja inte kan vi kalla det kunder, utan undersåtar lösa deras misstag med blod svett och nästintill tårar. UMEÅ ENERGI är värdelösa!

torsdag 11 juni 2009


Things have been going in a rather quick pace for a while. 

This is how we spent the 6th of June. 
And here is where we loose some of the wall and roof. 
Believe it or not, but more work has been done after this weekend, I'll update you when it has stopped raining....

onsdag 3 juni 2009

With a little help from our friends

Dig, dig, digging, dig. That's what life is all about. My brother is digging like mad...
Mattias however, is taking it easy... ;-)
while my brother in law gets the really dirty job, fixing a line to the sewer.
This is the true path to the underworld...
A yard full of...stuff.